European Population Conference (EPC)
25-28 June, 2014
Arxiu de l'autor: dag
Tenth European Social Science History (ESSHC)
Tenth European Social Science History (ESSHC)
Vienna 23-26 April, 2014
ARA 5CofM project
The Catalan journal “ARA” has published a new concerning the 5CofM project. In that new they focus in the algorithms that are used in the project, concerning computer vision, to understand the different marriage records.
Here is the link where you could find the related new:
Workshop ‘Population Reconstruction
“Reconstructing lifespans using historical marriage records of Catalonia from the 16th and 17th centuries”
“Workshop ‘Population Reconstruction’
International Institute of Social History (IISH)
Utrecht, The Netherlands
19 February, 2014
Seminar: ¿Quién se casa con quién? Pasado y presente
16.01.2014 – 17.01.2014
Seminar: ¿Quién se casa con quién? Pasado y presente
Organized by:
Asociación de Demografía Histórica- ADEH
Grup d’Estudis de la Població – Project 5CofM (IP: Anna Cabré)
Grup de Recerca en Demografia i Famílies – Project WorldFam (IP: Albert Esteve)
Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics